Publications / Figures / Base framework / BaseFramework.tex




		\psset{linewidth=0.5pt,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=white,framesep=0,framesize=2.5 1}
		% representation box



		% viewpoint boxes


		% perspective boxes



		% arrows: viewpoints to representations
		% arrows: viewpoints to viewpoints
		% arrows: perspectives to viewpoints
		\ncline{P2}{V2}\ncput*[npos=0.375]{formalised as a}
		% arrows: real-world blob to perspectives
		\ncline{RWP2}{P2}\ncput*[npos=0.625]{viewed from several}
		% add text labels
		\rput*[tl](0,0.4){\emph{Information system design environment using multiple modelling representations}}
		\rput*[tl](2.375,3.9){\emph{Viewpoint integration}}
		\rput*(7.5,3.375){using one or more}
		% phenomenon blob
		\rput(7.5,9.625){\large \textsf{\textbf{Real-world phenomenon}}}
